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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 05/06/2019
                                TOWN OF ANTRIM
Select Board Meeting Minutes
Monday, May 6, 2019
7:00 pm Town Hall

Board Members Present: John Robertson, Chair; Michael Genest, Selectman; Robert L. Edwards, Selectman
Staff Present: Donna Hanson, Town Administrator
Others Present: Teri Hardwick, H & H Investments, LLC

Agenda Items:
  • Approval of Minutes – Public
  • Mr. Edwards moved to accept the meeting minutes of April 22, 2019 as printed.  Mr. Genest seconded. Passed 3/0
  • Resignation
  • Mr. Edwards accepted the resignation of Mr. Ronald Haggett from the Zoning Board of Appeals and the Capital Improvement Committee. Mr. Genest seconded. Passed 3/0
  • Antrim Town Gymnasium
  • The letter to the ConVal school board asking them to contribute 50% for the re-sanding of the gym floor was reviewed. Mr. Edwards said he requested a meeting of the ConVal school board on the procedure for using money from the Antrim Schools Trust Funds that was established to benefit Antrim Schools and how we access the funds.  Mr. Edwards and Ms. Hanson will schedule a meeting with them.   
  •  Limrik Article
  • Mr. Robertson’s Limrik article was reviewed. Mr. Genest suggested we add an update on the status of the Wind Farm.
  • Park & Recreation Pay Rates
  • Mr. Genest moved to approve the pay rates for the Park & Rec summer program.  Mr. Edwards seconded. Passed 3/0.
  • Mulhall Farm Road
  • Ms. Hanson stated that the town attorney said a release of liability on a private road is not necessary if the road is shown on a subdivision plan approved by the planning board per RSA 674:41,I,b,2. There was discussion about the need to have the town clarify requirements for a road to be accepted in the future. There was discussion on working with the planning board on specific guidelines. Mr. Genest feels every case will be different and each subdivision would need to be looked at individually. Mr. Edwards said the subdivision regulation states that if it is the intention that the town take over the road, then it needs to be stated on the plans, which it is in the case of Mulhall Farm Road subdivision. He said that the intention is there but the question is when does the town accept the road. Mr. Edwards said we are 20% built out compared to Knapton Cirlce which was 2/3rds built out. At that time we drew up a punch list with the road agent and engineer, and when that punch list was completed at the developer’s expense, it came before the Select Board and was approved. Mr. Edwards stated that when he looks at case law on this, it is premature to accept Mulhall Farm road at this time. Ms. Hardwick said she would like guidelines on what she should do to have the town accept the road. Mr. Edwards suggested an agreement between the Selectmen and Teri Hardwick and Chuck Sargent could be put in place on what is expected before the road is accepted. Mr. Edwards personal opinion was to consider a petition for road acceptance once 15 building were completed, residential or commercial or 15 CO's but the formula is yet to be decided. Mr. Edwards stated that Mr. Sargent is advertising that the town will take over the road when complete. Ms. Hardwick said she had not seen the advertisement. Mr. Edwards said Mr. Sargent needs to be careful what is advertised. Mr. Genest would like to see them come back to discuss this further when the project is 50% built out. Ms. Hanson will request guidance from the town attorney regarding entering into a contract with the developers to accept the road after certain criteria are met. Mr. Robertson said we need to agree on something that is fair to all.
  • Elderly Exemption Application
  • Mr. Genest moved to approve an elderly property tax exemption. Mr. Edwards seconded. Passed 3/0.    
  • Waiver
  • The property requesting a waiver to build on a class VI road is actually on Ashley Road and not on Pierce Lake Road which is how the property is labeled in the assessing system. The address needs to be corrected before sending it to the registry. Mr. Edwards would like to make some changes to the waiver to clarify a few points. The waiver will be marked up with suggestions and the waiver will be re-written.
  • Meeting Attended
  • Mr. Robertson attended the Selectmen’s Advisory Committee (SAC) and Planning Board Meeting. Mr. Edwards attended the Water & Sewer meeting. The minutes for the SAC can be found here The minutes for the Planning Board and the Water & Sewer meeting can be found here Mr. Edwards will attend the May 16th Planning Board meeting to replace Mr. Robertson who will be attending his granddaughter’s graduation from Virginia Tech. Mr. Edwards would like to draft a recommended addition to the subdivision regulations for presentation to the Planning Board.
  • Town Administrator Update
  • Mr. Genest moved to approve the appointment of Mr. Robert Holmes and Mr. William Bryk appointed as a member of the Zoning Board of Adjustments. Mr. Edwards seconded. Passed 3/0
  • Ms. Hanson said the Land Use Change Tax (LUCT) was corrected from $22,000.00 to $24,000.00.
  • Other Business
  • Ms. Hanson will ask Chief Gale as Health Officer to check for health violations at an unoccupied house on Concord Street.
  • Non-Public
  • Mr. Robertson moved to go into non-public RSA 91- A:3 II (e) Consideration or negotiation of pending claims or litigation & RSA 91-A:3 II (b) Hiring at 8:45 pm. Roll Call Vote Passed 3/0.
  • A vote was taken in non-public to seal the minutes except RSA 91 A:3 II b.
  • Hire
  • The Select Board voted in non-public to hire Ms. Erin Pils-Martin as summer Camp Director.
Mr. Genest moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:30 PM; Mr. Edwards seconded. Passed 3/0
Respectfully submitted,
Donna Hanson, Town Administrator